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2003-11-18 - 9:08 a.m.

man, katie is so sick. she was feeling sort of out-of-it friday night, but by saturday morning she woke up with a splitting headache, terrible sore throat and nausea. she ended up throwing up 4 times that day. three other kindergarten teachers were out with the flu last week, so we're sure she caught it. she spent the whole day in bed trying to sleep, while i took care of her and cleaned the house. it was kind of fun looking after her, even though she felt terrible. she lost the nausea by sunday, but her throat got so sore that every time she tried to swallow her whole body would shudder with the pain. she saw the doctor yesterday and he gave her some good drugs. she was already feeling better by this morning, but she still is taking the day off work so she can heal. she feels like crap missing two days of work already, but what can you do?

it's tech week for "a funny thing happened on the way to the forum" at gcp. i'm the vocal coach and we open thursday. it's actually a pretty good production (although not as good as the last time when i was in it), but we have a couple of actors that are making me nuts. one guy in particular has just never learned his songs, and it's really frustrating. we can't kick him out at this point, but it makes me want to bang my head against a wall every time he flubs a lyric and says "man, i know this!".

there's another young guy with a pretty big part, and he makes me crazy because he's constantly smiling. it's not what it sounds like. he's one of those actors that is smiling because he's fully aware that he's "being funny" or "in a funny scene" so he's smiling because he knows he's got a funny line coming up, or he knows that the audience will find it funny. it makes me insane, because he claims he has no awareness that he's doing it, although i know damn well he does.

chuck e. cheese's was fun last night, although katie had to stay home because she was sick and didn't want to give it to emily or lauren. the pizza was surprisingly good for a kids' restaurant. the cool thing about the place is that there are big ropes barring the entrance and exit, and any child that comes in gets a hand stamp that matches the person he or she comes in with (babies get a big sticker on their stroller or carrier). basically, no child can leave unless they're with an adult, and it has to be the adult with the matching hand stamp. it's great for parents, because you can just let your kids run wild and not worry about having to follow them all over the place wondering if some sicko is going to abduct them. we bought emily a care bear named "cheer bear", who is pink and has a big rainbow on its stomach. who knew those freakin' things were popular again? by the way, strawberry shortcake and my pretty ponies are back too. little did we know, emily had already gotten a big pillow version of cheer bear. so, after excitedly tearing all the tissue paper out of the gift bag, emily holds it up, smiling because she knows it's a care bear. then her smile drops and she says (in that completely honest way that only kids can) "i already got this one". i laughed, shannah was totally embarrassed, it was pretty funny...

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